Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My two Princesses . . . . .

So tonight was the last Athena Tuesday with the kids. Our ritual is a kid's meal and tons 'o fun. We have had Tattoo Tuesday, Wii nights and tonight was Princess night.

We picked up dinner and brought it home to eat. Immediately after dinner we began the Princess transformation!

We had to wash away our non-Princess dirt with special Princess bubble-bath in the biggest most amazing amount of bubbles ever! Lily was super curious and even joined in!

Next, we had our own Princess nail salon . . . . .

Once our transformation was complete, we anxiously awaited fresh baked peanut-butter chocolate chip cookies (thanks Uncle D and Jubee) and ate candy canes while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A big thanks to Little Mr Eris for being such a good sport. His favorite activity by far is spending time with Bubba. Unfortunately Scouts is also on Tuesday. He usually only gets to snarf down dinner with him before Bubba runs out the door.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do on Tuesdays now. Oh, and one other thought. Does the bath count if you put on the same dirty clothes from before?


The Numismatist said...

All I've heard about this morning is Princess this and Princess that. And the nails are gorgeous.

Sure the bath counts. Especially if you turn the clothes inside out.

Just Casi said...

I think it counts. Their hair is clean...

Eris said...

The bath totally counts. And if you are ever lonely on a Tuesday night, feel free to give me a call.

Thanks for being the second best aunt ever in the whole wide world! I am, of course, first.