Saturday, June 6, 2009

Can you ever forgive me . . . . .

Let's just say that I have been waaaay less than diligent on my blogging. This spring has held many changes and duties in the Athena household. Not so much the parents, but the kids.

Here we go:

Bubba - Has completed his first year of high school, drivers ed and now has a job. The job is the weirdest part for me. I can handle the girlfriends, the kissing, the driving . . . but the job has me spinning into the reality that he is truly growing up.

Jubee - Has completed her last year of elementary and is ready to move on to Jr High, her school put on a wonderful play and she is now looking forward to a quiet summer alone! She is taking her first plane ride on July 1. She has always wanted to spend time in California with my grandparents, not sure why I haven't made that happen until now. She will fly to LA where my aunt will pick her up. I will drive to CA a week or so later and pick her up

I'm extremely grateful for how well my kids do in anything they attempt. They are both wonderful students and generally decent teenagers.

I'll do my best diligence in keeping you updated.


The Numismatist said...

Just to enhance your discomfort I will remind you what I was doing at age 16. Planning a wedding.

Attaining Grandmotherhood at age 37 has it's advantages. Are you ready?

Me either. Maybe the job will help to keep things under control, at least for the summer.

Eris said...

Covering my ears and yelling, "LALALALALALALA!!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Stop talking about this!

Holly said...

That brings a tear to my eye, they grow up so's like they were just born yesterday....wait! I only met them a couple years ago!! Love you bub & jub!