Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Olympic boyfriend . . . . .

I've been happily married for over 14 years. This is somewhat of an accomplishment in my family.
However, when I go places I get new boyfriends. I met a golfer, that was easily the same age as my dad, on a flight from SLC to Las Vegas. We shared quiet moments on the plane, both of us reading until the final approach, it was surreal. He is my St. George boyfriend.
My boss referred to himself as my Las Vegas boyfriend once while talking to my husband, it's a complete joke. He is also happily married with two beautiful daughters, let alone a gorgeous wife!
I have a subcontractor who brought me flowers, my husband was standing right there! He was good with it, glad to see I am appreciated. A co-worker calls him my boyfriend.
I would like to introduce you to my Olympic boyfriend. His name is Alexandre Despatie. He is a Canadian diver. Jubee has her own, American diver Troy Dumais. Hmmm, all I can say is Eh? YES!


The Numismatist said...

Hmmm, maybe I should have been watching more. Nice eye candy.

Eris said...

You should have seen him in a speedo. And he had some awesome tatts!

athena said...

Tatts? I saw the speedo, but no tatt.

Ah h h h, I need a moment.

gordonfanbb said...

haha all i can say is "runs around with his little diving buddies and while with them is wearing a speedo? and sometimes gives hugs to other guys? maybe just little fruity" haha jk