Sunday, August 3, 2008

Can't . . . wait . . . must . . . . read . . . .

Couldn't wait, bought my own copy of Breaking Dawn. This is the first book of the series that I have owned, my Lobster and her family have so graciously let us read, and re-read, the first three. I have a multitude of people I can borrow this book from.

However, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that was anxious. My Lobster had ordered one from Amazon, yet to be delivered. A book "accidentally" fell into her shopping cart at the devil store yesterday.

Following Eris's words, don't call and don't visit. I'm gonna be busy for the next few days, I don't read as fast as Eris.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you better read it fast because I can't wait either.

Eris said...