Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crazy is as crazy does . . . . .

We all have that special someone in our life that is certifiably crazy. It could be a mother, an uncle or a neighbor. I live in an older area with not a lot of space between our houses.

Here is what we get to look at from our back yard.
Let's not forget the signage that was posted a few years back.
Are you serious? We have never done this!
I don't mind if Lily barks anymore as he's far more annoying and she is clearly scared.
ps - be sure to click on the scarecrow pic to get the full effect!


The Numismatist said...

I'm speechless! That is the coolest scarecrow I have ever seen! Does Lily bark at it? I'm sure Cholla just pees whenever she looks at it.

Maybe a matching scarecrow looking back over the fence? Naw, just consider it early Halloween decorations! Don't egg on the crazy guy, although I am fairly certain that you have lobbed your share of irritants over the fence in the last ten years.

The Numismatist said...

Oh yeah, I could take offense at your first paragraph, but I won't.

The Numismatist said...

Damn, I just can't quit looking at it! How tall is this thing and how close to your fence? Oh my hell.....

(It kind of looks like him, yes?)

athena said...

I would guess ten feet tall and only about eight feet from our fence.

No, I haven't lobbed anything over the fence, yet.

Eris said...

That is creepy. I don't think I could sleep or even spend time in my backyard if that were staring over my fence. Blech.

cuz2u said...

Hey- how do you spell another anyway????
I know if I had my way I would call the local police dept. As far as I know then fence line is city property. Then maybe light it on fire if that doesn't work you could shoot arrows into it.

The Numismatist said...

Nah, best to leave the poor guy alone. Find humor in it and feel sorry for the man. Besides that, crazy can lead to danger.

Buddhizing over. Amen.