Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another one bites the dust . . . . .

So, the kids went to Lagoon today. D-Rock went to console a friend. The race was a road course, not a good nap race. Hmmmm, what to do.

As many of you know, we are great with starting projects, not so great on getting them completed. Well, as the others were out, I completed a project!

I designed, painted and installed our new "coat closet" into a media mecca. It houses all our dvd's and Wii games. Props to D-Rock for getting the wood cut. I freaking love it!

I will be hosting tours if you are interested.


The Numismatist said...

Nagging question: Are they in alphabetical order? And will they stay that way?

athena said...

Yes. They better!

Just Casi said...

OOH! look at you. I'm very impressed.

Muriel said...

Of course they are in alphabetical order. You know what family she belongs to. I once spent the entire drive from SLC to St. George alphabetizing all my cds in a sip around case.