Monday, October 6, 2008

The Nose Knows . . . . .

For K.

Some of us are sensitive to smell, other's aren't. There are a few very distinct smells that I will never forget and will always scream home.

Cypress Street - I could sit for days, months or even years in that back yard.
Pipes - Hmmm, Papa.
Numi's Garage - Ok, I know this is a weird one. It reminds me of the house in ID that my grandparents lived in MANY years ago.
Hair Grooming Grease - Numi's dad put this stuff in his hair and when we were small children he used to lay there and pretend to sleep while we put newspaper rubber bands all throughout his comb-over.
Dog - I love the smell of a wet and/or warm dog.

Last night we had an October babies birthday party at my aunts. As we were leaving Aunt P gave Jubee a big hug and was almost instantly in tears. Jubee smelled just like K. Once we nailed down that it was the same hair product that K uses Aunt P had tears in her eyes. K we miss you and hope all is going well!


Eris said...

It was sweet. For me, it's lemons (Cypress St.), chlorine (Nampa), markers (the house on Tyler), cigarette and leather jackets (Nincompoop), and hair pomade (Grandpa).

The Numismatist said...

Nice post.

Smells? The shampoo I have been using for a couple of years has a distinct, pleasant aroma. Every time I use it I know it is the same as something from my childhood but I can't figure it out. The image of my grandparent's house always comes to mind so my guess it is something from there.

Bleach always takes me back to Rainbow Gardens.

Baby lotion takes me right back to the 70's when you were a baby.

Fish, that's always an adventure!